
Hey Friend!


My name is Yogesh, I have worked for more than two decades and gone through a lot of things. Many times, it started with unlearning things and then learning new things.

Working in the IT sector is fun, you know what I mean. Things keep changing and you keep learning, it never stops.

The things that have always kept me attracted, are personal development and wellbeing.

So, I created this place to keep the things so that it is easy to find when needed and I am happy to share them with you.

I am happy that you want to know about me and here are some other facts about me.

I am an MBA and love to work with people and technology.

I love driving and visiting new places.

If I am not doing anything on my holiday, kite flying is the first option.

I love exploring new food items while I am traveling, otherwise my food choices are limited and I am happy about it.

Thanks for your time and I wish you all the best.

Happy Reading

Yogesh Lohar