Each day, each moment, we’re writing our own story.
Every action, every choice is a brushstroke.
Remember, U R Habits define you.
The choice is always yours.
What habits will you choose to cultivate?
The brush is in your hand.
Write your own masterpiece.

A big percentage of our actions are not conscious decisions, these actions are the result of our habits. So, now if you think, we even do not notice it, habits are a big part of our life.

Habits – Good or Bad define our life to a large extent. If you take control of your habits, you can take control of your life.

It’s hard to take off a habit as it takes a good amount of time before a new habit can take root in our brains. Our new habits always overpower the old ones.

Psychology of Habits: If you want to change something, put those actions into a routine and form a new habit.