Meaning Of So Hum Mantra – 101 Guide To So Ham
So hum is a mantra, the meaning of So Hum Mantra is “I am the universe”. So Hum Mantra is used during chanting techniques of meditation. In the chanting mantra technique, you repeat a rhythmic phrase.
This rhythmic repetition of a mantra helps you to quiet your mind and you become calm.
Meaning of So Hum:
There are two Sanskrit words “So” and “Hum”.
So stands for “That”
Hum stands for “I”
So put together it is “I Am That”
Now this is a literal meaning of the So Hum mantra and there is a deep theory to understand.
The two words So Hum, represent the sound of the universe. These are also represented by every breath coming in and going out. The sound represented by “So” is incoming breath and the sound represented by “Hum” is outgoing breath. Now this system of So Hum within us is in autopilot mode and doesn’t require anything.
This birthing system is used in so hum meditation, and the mantra so hum is used with every incoming and outgoing breath.
We all are connected to the universal energy in one way and it is symbolized by So Ham mantra, thisuniversal energy supports all of us.
When we say we all are connected, the idea of being one with the Universe stands true. So, so ham meditation is a great way to explore the power of meditation.
Connection of Om and So Hum

The Om is a representation of the sound of the universe and So Hum is a two-word representation of the Om or the sound of the universe. So, now you know om so hum mantra meaning is the same.
How do you use the so hum mantra during meditation:
So, when you do So Hum meditation, you hear the sound “So” with every incoming breath and the sound “Hum” with every outgoing breath. Now this needs continuous practice of meditation.
Chanting A Mantra
There are some mantras that everyone can chant and they will give you the benefits offered. However, in the chanting mantra technique, some mantras are personalised.
Every individual based on some known facts he/she will be assigned a mantra for chanting. The facts such as date of birth, time of birth, birth location, or some of the other life events.
Now these personalize mantras are represented by sound and not by words. These sounds are the sound of the Universe, ultimately represented by Om. So, it is sound and not a word, so they do not have any other meaning to represent.
Now what you finally achieve by chanting mantras during meditation is to bring down your thoughts to a minimum and experience peace.
So, now you understand during mediation it not about the meaning of the mantra but the sound produced during the chanting of the mantra.
We all are different from each other and may find a different understanding of the same mantra.
Some may find it easy to concentrate on the sound made by the chanting mantra, while others may get inspired by the meaning of the mantra to do more powerful meditation.
Benefits Of Mantra Meditation
During Mantra Mediation, a mantra is used as an anchor to help you focus and bring your thoughts to a minimum.
This will help you during the practice of meditation. So, the mantra meditation will give you the same benefits as any other meditation which uses an anchor to control your thoughts.
So, meditation itself provides physical and mental benefits.
So Hum Meditation Technique
Now that we have understood the meaning of So Hum mantra , let’s see how to do so hum meditation in simple steps.
Before we begin, let’s understand the time, and use whatever time you have for meditation, you can even start with 5-minute sessions if you do not have more time for this movement. You can invest any amount of time learning and doing meditation.
Identify a quiet place where you will not get disturbed during your session. Use of asana (a piece of cloth wool/cotton) is recommended when you sit for meditation. If you want to find out the best way to sit for meditation, Check out this post “How To Sit For Meditation”
- Sit on your asana in a comfortable pose
- Close your eyes
- Take a few deep breaths
- Feel the air while breathing
- Now your mind and body should be at ease
- Start to chanting (repeating) the mantra So Hum
- Use the rhythm of your breath to the mantra So Hum.
- Repeat the word “So” while you inhale
- Repeat the word “Hum” while you exhale
- Keep breathing slowly along the chanting So Hum
- Do not rush your breath
- You will notice your mind wander like a monkey, every time it wanders, draw your attention back to your breath and mantra
- When you’re done with your time, slowly release your mantra
- Sit quietly for a minute before you open your eyes.
During these last moments, remember the meaning of the mantra So Hum and how you are connected to the Universe. Remember every breath you take is as precious as your life.
FAQ : Meaning Of So Hum Mantra
What does the mantra OM So Hum mean?
There are two Sanskrit words “So” and “Hum”. So stands for “That” and Hum stands for “I”, So put together it is “I Am Tha”
What is the difference between OM and So Hum?
OM is the sound of universe and So Hum is the representation of OM in two words.
I hope you like this guided so hum meditation, as a beginner when I was exploring things such articles helped me along the way. This inspires me to continue sharing things with others.
Go ahead and start your practice of so ham mantra and meditation with understanding the meaning of So Hum mantra. Let us know what you think in the comments section.