new years meditation

New Years Meditation to Bring Positive Change

We all want to have the best in the new year and to start this what’s better than to have a new years meditation to bring positive change in our life?

We all have different visions and dreams but we have a few things in common, we all want good physical and mental health and peace in our lives.

A new year brings feelings of hope and fear of the unknown future. This mixed feeling of emotion is OK.

So, we need to learn from past regrets and disappointments so we don’t repeat them and make sure we improve shortfalls.

To have a powerful year ahead, set your physical and mental health goals at the beginning.

Planning Your New Year Ahead

You can start with new intentions, new habits, and new ideas. When you are doing so, the new year is a great time to replace bad habits and bad hobbies.

Building new and better habits/ hobbies and meditation is one of the better things you can start.

A New Years Meditation

Now what I will do is, I will list down the meditation script for the new year in sequence for you to make it even simpler.

If you want you can create a voice note for yourself and listen to it whenever you have time.

If you want you can grab a pen and paper so that you can take down a few things as you read. I suggest identifying a place where you will not get disturbed during meditation.

Also, work on your schedule to have these 10-15 minutes free for your meditation session preferably at the same time you want to follow it again.

Now we have identified the place and decided on the time, we are all set to start meditation, let’s start.

  • Sit on your Yoga mat or any piece of cloth (wool/cotton) preferred
  • Sit straight do not stretch too much, and maintain the natural curve of your spine
  • Now close your eyes gently
  • Keep breathing naturally
  • Now start taking deep breaths which will slow down your breathing
  • When you are doing deep breaths feel the cool air going in and the warm air coming out.
  • As you focus on your breaths you begin to settle your thoughts
  • Now your eyes are closed your thoughts are settling, think about the present movement.
  • Scan your body, feel the way you are sitting, your legs, your hands, also scan your thoughts as they come and go. Do not judge anything at this movement.
  • Start to think of what you want to achieve in the new year, what learnings from the past you will apply, and what things you will do differently.
  • The people you will meet during the process and how you will feel when you will meet them.
  • What if you get the same opportunity that you missed last year, what do you do differently to get the maximum out of it?  
  • Visualize the complete picture before you move on.
  • Now once you are done for the year just take a deep breath and notice how you feel about it.
  • No focus on the biggest goal set for this year how challenging it is and what you will do differently to convert this opportunity for yourself.
  • Feel your moment of success and achievement
  • Now remember this moment when you are happy, this is your favourite moment
  • As you are into a positive memory remember the feeling this experience giving you.
  • Decide to create these kind of feelings multiple times in the coming year.
  • When you are done, slowly come back to the present movement and bring your breath to normal
  • Take your time before you open your eyes again.

Remember this is not a one-time activity you can keep following this new year guided meditation script again and again, if required every month to start.

Writing It Down Is Important

new year meditation script
New Year Meditation Script

Take a notebook, the one which you would like to carry for the year. Start writing the way you understand. Even if you can write in an unstructured way, it is OK.

If you can find the beginning, here are a few questions that will help you.

  • What are those three things most important for me in this year?
  • What relationships matter most?
  • Write down the things you will be proud of in this year.
  • What are those two things you want to do for others?

Once you are done, go through the list this becomes the base for your action plan.


Knowing what to do and how to is the base of your success. Go through the process of meditation for the new year multiple times as it becomes second nature.

You don’t need to remember, things come to you as you follow the process.

I hope you find this new year meditation script helpful.

Let us know your thoughts on a new year’s meditation in the comment section.

Image credit Googl

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