spiritual benefits of humming

Spiritual Benefits Of Humming And How To Practice

There are many spiritual benefits of humming practice, some of you may know this as chanting Om practice. So humming is also a chanting practice where you are not following a word but you are following a sound.

Humming is also known simple Bhramari Pranayama.

To understand the relevance of benefits offered by humming practice, it is important tounderstand the basics of humming practice.

Chanting a Humming (sound) also produces a particular frequency. These frequencies improve the abnormal frequencies coming from the diseased organ. This helps in bringing the suffering organ to normal functioning/level.

How To Do Humming Or Humming Exercises

The first thing you should do is sit in a comfortable position. It is preferred if you can follow simple basic sitting asanas (Sukhasana).

If you are confirmable, you can do it sitting in a chair keeping your spine straight or even in a standing position also ok. Relax and keep breathing normally concentrating on your incoming and outgoing breath.

It is a very simple and easy practice, just follow the below steps and you will be able to do it.

  • Now Close your eyes, while you are sitting upright /standing straight
  • Start taking deep breaths, 3-5 deep breaths
  • Once you are ready inhale one more time and now exhale with a long slow hum
  • You are doing this while your mouth is closed
  • You will feel the vibrational sensations in the nose and the area around it
  • Continue making a humming sound each time you exhale, do it 3-5 times
  • Once you are done, stop humming and observe your breath
  • Now slowly you can open your eyes

Note: As you go on practicing you will feel the vibrational sensations throughout your body.

Spiritual Benefits Of Humming

There is very little scientific evidence available today to demonstrate the benefits of humming practice. However, there are multiple studies on Om and chanting techniques showing resulting benefits.

One of the NCBI studies shows Humming (Simple Bhramari Pranayama) generates the lowest stress index compared to all three other activities. It shows Humming can be an effective stress buster.

  • In spiritual and meditative practices where chanting is used as a tool to focus your thoughts in one direction, humming (specific sounds) is very helpful in concentration in an attempt to reach a meditative state.
  • The humming practice can help in meditation and connecting with the divine as in Hinduism this specific sound is believed to be of the universe which is god itself.
  • In spiritual practices, energy is of the most importance and some of the new practices incorporate humming as a form of vibrational energy. This helps to attend to the utmost energy which can heal/activate Chakras.
  • In Yoga practices during meditation practice, humming can be used to balance and align the body’s energy centers, we call them as Chakras.
  • Humming is also helpful during spiritual practices to maintain the highest level of breath awareness. One can learn to control the breath and hence control Prana Energy.

Other Benefits Of Humming

  • Humming practice can be helpful in stress reduction
  • Humming practice will bring your thoughts to a minimum and it will help you experience profound relaxation of mind and body
  • Humming practice can boost immune function as your oxygen supply increases with deep breathing.
  • During humming practice, you are relaxed and hence your blood pressure is lowered
  • Improved concentration
  • Improves clarity of thoughts
  • Improves clarity of thoughts fosters creativity and innovation
  • You will observe better sleep patterns, as you continue to practice Humming
  • Humming practice will improve your overall health and life style

FAQ: Spiritual Benefits Of Humming

Are humming exercises good for me?

Yes, humming is without good and relaxing practice.

How much time should I spend humming?

You can do 5-minute session in a set of 3 to start with your practice.

What are the health benefits of humming?

  • Help to balance your emotions
  • Help in detoxifying your body
  • Helps to reduce stress


So, for any practice to give you the desired benefits, you need to learn and practice, Humming is also one of them.

The humming practice has its roots in the East. This is one of the simplest practices which does not need much from you to rip its benefits.

Remember the effectiveness of humming in Spiritual practice depends on you. So, if you have decided, go ahead and give it a try and explore your spiritual side of life.

Lets us know your thoughts on humming and spiritual practices.

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