World Of Darkness Meditation

World Of Darkness Meditation

World Of Darkness Meditation, the name itself says a lot about it, in simple words, you get into the meditation process in a darker place or in the absence of light. There are many forms of meditation and Darkness Meditation is one of them.

When I started learning about this meditation form “meditation in dark”, I was surprised to know the benefits it can provide to an individual. But darkness is generally associated with fear or negative emotions/things.

So, what is your experience of the darkness? Do you experience fear in the darkness?

Please find out your current state, as it is important to know and be aware of.

What Is Dark Meditation?

In this form of meditation, you use a place that is dark (no light) and quiet (no sound). The idea is in the absence of light and sound you will have more energy saved as two of your major sensors are at minimum working.

This energy you can use to concentrate on yourself within. Some time it is also referred as dark room meditation.

If you do not have a fear of darkness, silence and darkness meditation is the best form of meditation for you to get on the path of darkness meditation.

How To Practice Darkness Meditation

Before you do anything, find out do you have a fear of darkness. So, if the answer is YES for yourself, then first you need to work on building a mindset that does not have a fear of darkness or the things you can’t see.

Find Out The Place And Prepare Your Mind

As the first basic step for your meditation session is you need identify the place for a meditation session to start with.

You will need a place with no light and no sound a quiet place. If you can’t identify such a place in your home you need to find it outside.

Prepare your mind to face the darkness and overcome other feelings. Sometimes people experience negative emotions in darkness, you can think of the positive aspects of darkness, as before your birth you are in your mother’s womb, with no light only darkness.

So, it is associated with birth.

Work on your sitting position, find out which one you are more comfortable sitting for at least 30 min to start with. Also, get comfortable clothes for your meditation session.

Doing Your Darkness Meditation Session

Now if you are very new to dark meditation, I suggest getting some help to start your meditation journey. You may consider visiting a YOGA studio nearby.

Once you are ready, get into your sitting position to meditate in the dark, and close your eyes, as you are already in a dark place after closing your eyes it is absolute darkness you will experience.

If you are doing darkness meditation for the first time you will see some images, shapes, and colours. It’s OK, you will have to concentrate to see only darkness. It will take a couple of sessions before you can actually able to concentrate and look inside.

You can start with a session of 15 min in closed eyes position and then you can slowly open your eyes and feel the darkness in a room.

The first thing you will notice is now you can make out your own physical appearance, it has merged with the darkness in the room.

Once you are done with your session come back to the normal world slowly and continue.

When you are starting your practice do it at your comfort level, in the beginning, do not push yourself for anything as it may not work for you.

Note down your learning from the initial session and seek further help to improve.

Video Credit Anandmurti Gurumaa – English

Do’s and Don’ts – Meditation Darkness


  • Practice takes time so be patient and consistent
  • If you have a fear or phobia of darkness, think about your decision again


  • Do not practice darkness meditation as a substitute for mental therapy
  • Don’t be in a state of detachment for a longer period after the dark meditation session

Dark Meditation Benefits

When you are in darkness and your eyes are closed, at the back of the mind your eyes are still looking for the light, it’s the job of your visual stimuli.

But in the end when you are okay with darkness and there are no visuals you save a lot of energy. And this state will give you ultimate peace.

When it is done for a longer period of time usually in some days, your brain is in a completely different state you and the universe become one and your own physical appearance is merged with your experience.

Darkness meditation rejuvenates you and this new energy has a positive effect on your body ,mind and Chakras.

FAQ: World Of Darkness Meditation

Is it better to meditate in the dark?

Doing meditation in the dark is one of the methods, it will help you more as your visual stimuli are at a minimum usage.

Can I do darkness meditation at home?

Yes, what you need is a place with minimum/no light and distraction for meditation in dark room.


When you are in the process of meditating in darkness you need to trust more and surrender to the process.

You will find different strengths within you as you go on the path, as being so silent in the beginning is not easy. 

Enjoy the relaxation and inner peace during your meditation session, and experience darkness and complete silence.

If you are new to meditation or experienced person, do let us know your thoughths on meditation in comment section below.

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