Does Yoga Make You Poop? Helpful Yoga Poses
Performing yoga poses that involve the stomach and back can be helpful in healthy bowel movements. So, to answer the question does yoga make you poop? Yes, it does help.
These poses increase blood flow in and around your stomach and also increase oxygen supply. This helps in promoting the movement of stool through your digestive system. The increased blood flow helps in more oxygen supply.
Now that you know the answer let’s understand what and how behind it.
If you look at the Yoga poses we take them as a physical exercise, and exercise will keep you fit and increase your stamina. The physical activity will also help your digestive system.
What Is The Science Behind Pooping?
Though we all know what is and how it is, someone finding it difficult will know any help on this will be welcome. And I want to share what I know and experience through this blog. So, go ahead and read if you want to understand more.
The Process Of Pooping
The process of pooping you can think of asinternal (digestion) and external (physical process).
Since we eat the food and it is digested and we need to throughout the waste, a lot of things happen inside. When we have a feeling of going to the toilet, our brain sends instructions to our anal sphincter muscles to relax. Anus opens when the sphincter muscles relax, and thus we can empty the rectum.
The psychological behind the pooping
Going to the bathroom is one of the normal, everyday events for most of us. But we just observe the physical act of pooping, a lot is happening internally. The hormones like endorphins and neurotransmitters are released inside giving us the feeling of relaxation and reducing stress.
After every successful poop, we are out of physical discomfort and our body is relaxed.
The Psychological Behind The Pooping
The last segment of the large intestine is called the rectum, and it is the key controlling mechanism that helps us with the act of going to the bathroom.
Pooping is a natural behavior, in the human body. The rectum is in charge of removing and before that storing the waste material from the body.
The rectal muscles relax to expel the waste material out of the body when we go to the bathroom. This action is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which operates involuntary actions such as digestion.
How Does Yoga Make You Poop?
Yoga asana can help stimulate your digestive system and increase blood circulation, this will help to improve your gut health. These physical movements during asana can help increase the production of digestive enzymes. These enzymes will help move your bowels more effectively. So, doing Yoga can help you poop more easily and on time.
You can get into a routine with your physical asana and this will set your biological clock.
Aasna (Posture) That Will Help You To Poop
- Stand on your feet and take distance between your legs
- Now bend on your knees and lower your butt toward the ground
- You will get into a squat
- Focus on keeping your feet parallel
- Get into a prayer position (anjali mudra) by taking your elbow close to your knees
- Now your palms are close to your chest.
- Slightly push your legs with your elbow by moving your hands towards your chest.
- Stay in this position for five breaths, then straighten the legs to come out.
- You can do the set at your convenience.
Pawanmuktasana – Wind Relieving Pose:
- Take a Yoga mat, lay on your back, and take both knees towards your chest by first lifting your legs in the air.
- When your knees are close to your chest, wrap the arms around the knees, and you can hold on to opposite forearms.
- Lift your head into the air and bring your chin near to your chest.
- Now breathe and hold for 2-4 breaths to start, breathing deeply into the belly, actively observing pressure on the chest.
- To come out of the position, exhale and release. Take the arms offyou’re your legs on to the floor.

Your pooping posture is also equally important too. How do you sit on your toilet and the angle is important?
In the Indian pooping position, you are on your feet and you lean forward and then you poop. This position helps you open up your pelvic floor and also gravity to do its job. This method helps your body to relax, helping you empty more easily.
So your toilet height and angle are important. So, you lean inwards and let your muscles relax, this will make it easier for everything to pass.
FAQ: Does Yoga Make You Poop More
Is it normal to poop right after Yoga?
Yes, it is normal to poop right after practicing Yoga, as with the help of the above-discussed asana you will activate the bowel movement.
Does Yoga really make you poop?
Yes, it can really make you poop. Studies show that Yoga can help increase, involuntary muscular contractions and improve the digestive system
Yoga is a good way to help your digestive system and make it strong. The physical asana will improve your overall stomach mussel and help you poop more effortlessly and comfortably.
So, I suggest get on to your Yoga mat and try the discussed asana.