hard yoga pose for abs

Hard Yoga Pose For ABS, Try At Home

We all want a strong core for various regions and a hard yoga pose for abs can help you achieve your goal.

To do so you don’t need to spend many hours at the gym to build a strong core. Learn these Yoga poses and practice regularly and you will find the difference.

Hard Yoga Pose For Abs:

1. Plank Pose

Plank is one of the best poses and has been adopted by many people for abs workouts.

Plank Pose is one of those yoga poses we all have a different liking as it demands more from you. This will stabilize core strength and will activate all the muscles in your core to help hold you still.

Plank Pose Steps

  • On your Yoga mat get into Tabletop Pose by placing your hands and knees down on the Yoga mat
  • Align your wrists in line with your shoulders
  • Now slowly extend your legs behind you, and simultaneously lift your knees off the mat
  • Tucking your tailbone activates muscles in the lower belly
  • Feel the stretch in your leg muscles
  • Keep your core strong to prevent hips from going down
  • Now you can hold this position as per your capacity.
  • To get out of the position, slowly place your knees down and relax

2. Dolphin Pose

I like this pose as it helps me to work on my abdominals while keeping the shoulders in shape and giving the spine a stretch.

Doing Dolphin Pose will engage your muscles around your core, both deep muscles as well as superficial.

Dolphin Pose Steps

  • Get into Tabletop Pose by placing your hands and knees down on your Yoga mat.
  • Now bend your elbows, your head will go down.
  • Lift your hips up in the air
  • Now as you lift your hip your legs will become straight
  • Keep elbows in line under the shoulders
  • You will form a triangle-shape
  • To stretch further you can lift your hips above your shoulders
  • Hold the position while feeling stretched your abs, as per your capacity
  • To get out of the position, slowly place your knees down, get into sitting position, and relax

3. Dolphin Pose With Leg Lift

We just saw the Dolphin Pose and the steps involved. Now to do it with a leg lift put additional stretch on your front body.

Your muscles which run from just below your sternum to your waist are activated. This variation is fun to do, remember to balance well.

Dolphin Pose With Leg Lift Steps

  • Follow the Dolphin Pose steps where you get into the final pose
  • Lift your head and create enough space between your head and the Yoga mat to maintain a neutral neck position
  • Now maintaining balance lift one leg toward the sky
  • Hold the leg in the air as per your capacity, keep taking deep breaths
  • Now bring down the leg, lift the other leg into to air, and follow the alternate lifting cycle.

4. Side Plank

While you do the side plank your waist and surrounding muscles will get activated as you lift the body on the side. When you lift your body to the side your abdominals will try to stabilize the entire body using abs.

You can further strengthen your lower abs by lifting your top leg into the air. This is one of the most challenging hard yoga pose for abs.

Side Plank Steps

  • Follow the Plank Pose steps to get into the plank pose.
  • Now slowly shift your body weight onto one hand and transition into Side Plank.
  • During transition drop down to your forearm on the Yoga mat so you don’t get the entire pressure on your wrist.
  • Now your both legs are straight, slowly lift your top leg into to air as per your capacity.
  • Bring down the leg once you are done and keep taking deep breaths.
  • Follow the same steps while you change the side.

5. Upward Facing Plank Pose

When you do the Upward Facing Plank, you open up the front body and help your spine muscles to gain strength.

Though you may see this as a challenging pose for your arms and chest, it also helps to build abs. This is one of a hard yoga pose for the abs that really demands strength form you.

Upward Facing Plank Steps

  • Sit down on you’re Yoga mat and keep your legs straight.
  • Now take your hands behind you,
  • Put your palms flat on the Yoga mat under your shoulders
  • Your fingers are now facing your body
  • Now slowly lift your hips upwards into the air and allow your feet to follow your hips.
  • Keep your foot flat on the Yoga mat (as possible to do)
  • Hold the position and keep taking deep breaths.
  • Now bring down the leg, sit on your hips, and relax.

FAQ: Hard Yoga Pose For Abs

What is a hard yoga pose for abs?

It depends on your experience and level of practice, but to answer the question most will find Plank and Side Plank as hard yoga poses for abs.

What is the most difficult pose in yoga?

Pungu Mayurasana (Wounded Peacock) is difficult as it needs a lot of strength in the abs and hand muscles. Also, you need to balance yourself well.


Remember, to have a strong core you must work all the muscles that are part of your core and it takes time and effort. Do the set of all possible combinations of these hard yoga pose for the abs as per your capacity and time. It is not only about building the six-pack abs, having flat abs also has multiple benefits.

Also, do not forget to work on your other body parts’ strength. You may like to read Basic Yoga For Beginners.

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