How To Sit For Meditation For Beginners – 3 Best Way
When you start on the journey of meditation one thing you need to get right at the beginning is how to sit for meditation. Though we all know how to sit, sitting for some time and not feeling uncomfortable is what you need to learn for Meditation. So, the question is how to sit for meditation for beginners.
Now there are a few poses that are suggested for meditation. You can learn them and develop a habit of sitting in the same posture for some time.
To begin you can start with 10 minutes and gradually increase your timing sitting in the same posture.
It is important to learn how to sit in a meditation posture, to avoid getting distracted during the meditation.
You will find that some sitting posture are comfortable and you are relaxed and able to focus.
This supports enhancing your awareness of the present moment which is required during meditation practice.
So, it is recommended to explore different sitting postures and find what works for you and not.
For everyone it is different, I am more confirmable in the Vajrasana and another person can be more confirmable in the Padmasana posture.
So, now you understand that everyone needs to try to find what works best for him/her, which will help him focus during meditation practice.
Meditation Postures For Beginners
Basic Sitting Asanas (Sukhasana)
This is a very basic and easy-to-perform asana/ posture. For many, it is called Pleasant Pose.
If you are not comfortable sitting in a cross-legged posture, this is a good pose for you as a Beginner to get started.

How To Perform Sukhasana – Step By Step:
- While you keep breathing normally, sit on the yoga mat
- Stretch your both legs in front of your body
- Now take your left foot and slowly place it under your right thigh
- Your left leg is folded, do not press
- Likewise, take your right foot and slowly place it under your left thigh
- Now you are in a cross-legged posture, remember not to press and stretch, relax.
- Place your hands on your thighs
- Keep your back straight and bend your elbows
- Close your eyes
- Now you are into Sukhasana.
When you want to start again you can interchange the foot position under the thigh by changing the starting sequence.
Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
This is one of the most popular/followed sitting poses/asanas by many. Padmasana is also known as the Lotus Pose. There are many benefits offered by this asana when it is practiced regularly.

How To Perform Padmasana – Step By Step
- Sit on the yoga mat and keep breathing normally
- Stretch your both legs in front of your body
- Take your left foot, and place it on top of your right thigh, do it slowly
- Now, take your right foot, place it on top of your left thigh, again do it slowly
- Your heels should be close to your body (near your navel)
- Rest your feet in such a way that the soles of your feet face upward
- Keep your palms on your knees/thigh
- Remember to keep your back straight all the time.
- Relax your body and mind
Stick pose or Staff pose (Dandasana)
If you are not comfortable sitting in a cross-legged posture, you must try this sitting pose/asana. This asana can be done by anyone, even if you are a beginner and never performed any yoga asana before, you will be able to do it.
How to perform Dandasana – Step By Step
- Sit on the yoga mat
- Stretch your legs in front of you
- Keep your feet together and see if your thighs can touch the Yoga mat.
- Place your arms close to your hips on either side of your body
- Now your spine should be straight and your chin parallel to the ground
- Keep looking straight
- Keep breathing normally
Diamond Pose (Vajrasana)
Another sitting pose is practiced by many Asians and can be performed during meditation. Vajrasana is also known as Diamond Pose. This is one of many popular poses for their multiple benefits.

How to perform Vajrasana
- Go down on your knee on the yoga mat
- Bring your knees and ankles together, no gap
- When you fold your feet, the soles should face upwards
- Sit back on your legs.
- Now your thighs are resting on your calves and your hips on the heels
- Go slowly as you sit down
- Place your hands on your thighs
- Sit upright, do not lean
- While slowly transferring your weight onto your feet, press your tailbone toward the ground
- Keep your chin parallel to the ground
- Look straight
- Keep breathing normally
Tips for Basic Seated Meditation Asana
- Once you are in a sitting posture keep your eyes closed.
- Keep your chin parallel to the ground
- Your spine should follow natural curvature—do not stretch too much.
- Keep your arms parallel and let them fall naturally on the thighs
- Try to bring your thoughts to a minimum
Video credit EkhartYoga
FAQ – How To Sit For Meditation For Beginners
How should I sit when I meditate?
You can sit in simple asana, either Sukhasana or Lotus Pose (Padmasana).
How do beginners start meditating?
To meditate at home/beginning, identify a space in your home free from distractions, choose a comfortable sitting posture, learn to focus on your breath.
As a beginner when I started I also wanted to know how to sit when meditating, it was the same tips I followed. It is not as difficult as many of you think. Go through the process, and if required take guidance from experienced ones.
So, get on to your Yoga mat and try your first sitting Yoga Asana before you begin to meditate.
Image credit Google