is a rowing machine good exercise

Is A Rowing Machine Good Exercise – Top 5 Benefits

Is a rowing machine good exercise, simple answer is Yes. Like any other exercise, it also has a lot of benefits. Rowing machines have been used for quite some time and you need to know what you can do with them and how they can help you in your fitness goal.

A rowing machine can be used for both cardio and strength training. You can do the full-body workout/exercise that helps to build strength.

You can combine it with other exercises like bodyweight, and weightlifting to do the cross-training.

So, let’s learn more about how rowing workouts can help you achieve your fitness goals of burning calories & building strength.

About Rowing Machine

It is a purpose-built machine for doing exercises that simulate the action of watercraft rowing. So, most of the time it is used indoor.

The new indoor rowers are also known as ergometers (erg or ergo). You can measure the exercises performed using the rowing machine in ergs.

Rowing machine workouts can help you with push, pull, and leg exercises.

rowing machine exercise
Rowing Machine Exercise

About the Rowing Action

The rowing machine’s seat is designed to have a sliding action. You slide your feet into fixed shoes that don’t move. This arrangement helps your legs to generate power with each stroke.

When your knees are bent, you are at the beginning of your back slide, so your legs are not working alone. So now it all starts at the front of the slide where your back is hinged forward at the hips and arms are reaching straight out in front.

This is known as “the catch.” From this position you start, each stroke moves your body and compresses the body and as you go back it opens up helping your mussel groups to generate force again.

Video Credit Whole Life Challenge

What Muscle You Can Build Using A Rowing Machine?

The natural action of rowing involves a lot of body parts and muscles and hence rowing machine workouts can take care of major body movements, helping build muscle strength.

While rowing exercises you perform many bodybuilding actions, like leg press, calf raise, deadlift, and push up. You start with the easy level and as you move towards doing it on the hard level you train your entire body.

Now with all the action can build many muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, abs, waist, chest, biceps, shoulder, and upper back.

Rowing machines offer low-impact and high-intensity workout options.  This has many health benefits for your body. Rowing exercises can help develop strength in individual body parts such as the arms, legs, and core.

Along with muscle building, it will help you to burn calories. If used correctly and frequently, a rowing machine can help you reach your fitness objectives and well-being

Top 5 Benefits Of The Rowing Machine Exercises

Before we get into to fitness benefits of the rowing machine exercises, let’s understand how all can use it. All levels of people beginner to Pro can use the rowing machine for fitness. Anyone with known back pain or knee pain is suggested to consult their health care advisor before starting any new exercises.

Full-Body Workout For All Fitness Levels

You can use the rowing machine as a beginner or Pro, it can help you with your fitness goals. If you’re aiming to get your body moving, and want to burn calories you can do rowing at a slow and steady pace low-impact workouts.

If you are someone who wants to build muscle, you can do the rowing machine workout at harder levels. This will help you to engage more muscle fiber with the need for more strength to do the activity.

When you are doing a rowing machine workout you need less time as simultaneously more than one muscle groups are active.

Help You To Improve Your Overall Posture

When you work on the rowing machine all major muscle groups are active and engaged. It activates your core and back of the body and hence helps to improve your posture. Rowing exercise is a great way to improve your arm and leg muscle tone. Rowing exercise improves your flexibility too. So, all put together you are in much better shape with the rowing machine workout.

Rowing Exercise Is Good For Your Heart & Lungs

Rowing is low low-impact cardio exercise, that helps with strengthen the cardiovascular system. The improved activity level helps in improving the efficiency of the lungs and blood vessels. This helps your heart perform more easily. Now your heart can transport nutrients and oxygen to organs with improved efficiency, which improves overall vitality.

Help To Strengthen Your Bones And Joints

A rowing machine workout builds more muscle mass and strength. This improved muscle mass and strength helps our bone and body posture.

Rowing is a seated exercise, unlike running it will not put additional stress on your knees and anklesIt is safer compared to running or jogging, which is known for the probability of falling and injuring yourself.

You Can Easily Use It In Your Home And Can Save Space Too

Compared to other exercise machines, the rowing machine offers more flexibility. The new rowing machine models are foldable or there is an arrangement to store them vertically when not in use. Some of the newly available models do not require electricity and can be stored vertically.

Compared to other machines, such as treadmills it makes less noise. So, if you are staying in a condo or an apartment you will be able to use it more easily.

FAQ: Is Rowing Machine Good Exercise

What Is a Rowing Machine?

It is a purpose-built machine for doing exercises.

Can rowing exercise cause knee pain?

It is a low-impact exercise, so usually it does not cause any knee pain, but if you are having knee pain, consult your health care advisor.

Can rowing machine exercise help lose belly fat?

Like any other exercise, rowing can help you burn calories. Burning calories helps you with weight loss. But remember to accomplish your goal you need to follow other instructions as well.

Is a rowing machine good exercise for the abs?

Yes, you can add rowing machine exercise to your current abs building routine.

Is a rowing machine good exercise for seniors?

Based on your fitness level you can start with easy setting/mode, if you still have drought  consult your gym instructor


Is rowing machine exercise good for you, I am sure once you get the hang of it you will love rowing. It’s one of the cool exercises, you must have seen in movies and web series.

But remember to accomplish your goal you need to work, so if you have not experienced yet. I suggest next time whenever you get a chance give it a try. Do let us know your views on the rowing machine exercise in the comment section below.

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