Yoga Using Wall

Yoga Using Wall – Quick Daily Yoga Routine

As a beginner when you want to start yoga practice, yoga using wall will help learn new poses with support. If you are someone who what to have a quick break from your long sitting session, this will help.

Your work might demand you to be in front of a computer for several hours and can lead to a feeling that something is holding your neck and shoulders.

Now to break these long working hours if you are thinking of a break with Yoga poses using a wall, it’s a great choice.

Yoga poses using the wall will help you to improve your posture while doing Yoga. This learning and practice will even help you while you are doing your other daily activities and work.

Why do Yoga poses using a wall support?

You have already spent a long time sitting/ working a single posture, now it’s time to break the routine.

Now you are already in stretched mode, any support that will help you to correct your posture will help. Guess what you will find a wall all around you, right?

Also, learning these wall-supported yoga postures is easy to do and remember.

When we all start doing Yoga, we always wonder, am I doing it right? Have I taken enough space between my legs required me to do the yoga pose?

The support taken off a wall during the yoga practice will help you with feedback about your body’s position and posture.

The wall becomes your reference point or guide during yoga practice. You will get a sense of direction and position of your body parts which you can’t see directly while doing different Yoga postures.

Why do you need to worry so much about your body postures?

When done in the way it is suggested you will get the maximum benefit of a particular Yoga asana/pose. Also, awareness about the body parts and postures helps you to maintain your balance.

So, a Yoga sequence using a wall is a great way to learn about body parts and postures while you can’t see all of it in one go.

Your postures affect your bones and muscles, a wrong posture can develop pain which can trouble you over some time. So, wall Yoga for beginners is great way to lear correct postures in easy way.

Sometimes wrong postures can develop a back pan which can be a hindrance to your daily life and productivity. These wall yoga workout sessions will be a great way to invest time in your future health.

5 Yoga poses at the wall to start with

Yoga practice against a wall can be started at home and what you need is some free wall space. If you don’t find it move your stuff and create some space for you to get started.

Chair Pose Using Wall

To start stand along the wall tucking your back against it, and now move forward one foot away from the wall.

Now go back as you are going to sit on the wall, and drop your hips, they will come in contact with the wall and stop once your hips are in line with your knees.

Your complete back is in contact with the wall, transfer your body weight on your back, and hence there will be less pressure on your knees. Take your arms up in the air touching against the wall.

Look straight or slightly down to keep your head against the wall. Now you are in position as if you are sitting on a virtual chair with your arms up into the air.

This is one of my favourite yoga asanas, as it allows me to stretch my back and thighs. I remember this I have done similar looking activity multiple times while playing in childhood with friends.

Keep your breath normal and steady, now do slow inhale and slow exhale. Count 6-7 breaths before you bring your hand down and slowly come out of the pose.

Baddha Konasana Using Wall

To start sit close to the wall touching your hips and back to the wall, and rest on the wall. Now take your feet together and move forward away from your body, and your knees apart.

You can feel your body weight against the wall, your knees will go down and you will feel the stretch in your legs.

For some of you, it may be difficult, we will see the next version of this pose with a yoga block and hands up into the air.

You can increase in distance between your feet and body to keep your knees down. Relax take a deep breath. Slow down your breath a bit and again count 6-7 breaths, to come out of the pose just extend your legs straight and you can stand again.

Variation with yoga block and hand-up

While you sit against the wall use the Yoga brick which will give you some height and your knees will be in a relaxed position while you are sitting.

You can interlock your fingers, take both hands into the air, and touch the wall. This variation will also help you to stretch your hands and back muscles.

Forward Fold Using Wall

Stand straight against the wall, and keep your buttocks touching the wall. Slowly start bending down and try to hold your legs with your hand.

You can go down as much as possible, in the beginning, you can bend your knees a bit to release extra pressure.

Your head is down between your legs, relax your upper body and keep breathing. You will also feel pressure on your abs, as you inhale.  

You can be the pose for 5-6 breaths and come out. Do it again if you think this was too quick and you release the pose early.

Tree Pose Using Wall

As a beginner, this is a great way to learn tree pose. As you know you have a wall to fall back you can concentrate on getting your feet positioned right.

Stand straight against the wall, in this pose we will balance ourselves on one leg. So, you are standing straight and close enough to hold the wall if you need to balance.

Start by lefting one leg and balancing on the other leg, and keep your lifted foot on the upper side of the knee on the leg you are standing.

If you are comfortable and able to balance well, good. If required using your fingertips you can take the wall support.

You can try to further move your foot up from the knee on the leg you are standing. Once you are steady and balanced on one leg, keep your breath a little longer than usual.

Count 5-6 breaths, once you are done take your leg down and stand straight again.

Do it again by balancing yourself on the other leg too.

Triangle Pose Using Wall

While doing this next pose we will again stand against the wall. This time you will align your hips and shoulders using the wall. Move a bit forward away from the wall before you start.

Now start turning your right foot out to the right side and make a 90 dig. Angle, while doing so touch your left hip back to the wall.

Take your arms up into the air touching the wall, now bring your right arm down and see if your hand can touch the right knee.

Now you are in a triangle pose. Look in the left direction keeping your chin parallel to the ground.

Staying into the pose for around 5-6 breaths. You can do the second round on the left side.

FAQ – Yoga Using Wall

Can I do Yoga every day?

Yes, if your schedule has a time you can do the Yoga every day.

What are the benefits of wall yoga?

As a beginner it helps you to learn with support, you are more aware of your body pose and parts, so it’s easy to correct and balance if required. Physical fitness and improved stamina.


Taking time to correct your posture is a great way to invest time in your long-term health. Yoga on the wall is a great and easy way to get started. While doing wall yoga poses you can try different asana versions as per your need.

Do not wait for the right time and know things, start doing it and learn along the way. Wall yoga exercises are fun and give you much-needed breaks form your longer session.

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