Yoga Wheel Exercises For Beginners and It’s Benefits
When you are new and exploring new things in Yoga, yoga wheel exercises for beginners come as a handy method to build muscle strength and you can also work on your flexibility to improve it.
Yoga wheel exercises are not as difficult to perform and complicated as they seem on the first go. It is as simple as using any other prop to support your muscle stability and develop stamina, so the point is you can also do it.
With increased popularity on social media due to easy use and effective results Yoga wheel exercises are best for beginners to try.
It helps you to build strength and also helps you relax as you get the support during exercises.
List Of Best Yoga Wheel Exercises for Beginners:
I am listing my favourite best yoga wheel exercises; these are beginner yoga wheel exercises and much safer for a beginner to start with.
- Yoga Wheel – Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
- Yoga Wheel-Assisted Plank Pose
- Yoga Wheel-Assisted Child Pose
- Yoga Wheel-Assisted Puppy Pose
These are some of the Yoga wheel exercises for back pain.
Yoga Wheel – Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
This is one of the best yoga asanas to start with your yoga wheel exercises. This helps you open up stiff chest muscles. This also helps to stretch your shoulders.
- Sit down on your Yoga mat and keep your legs straight.
- Now take your Yoga wheel behind your back.
- Slowly bend onto the Yoga wheel and let your head come in contact with your Yoga wheel.
- You will feel a stretch on your chest muscles as you slowly bend on the yoga wheel.
- Now let your shoulders relax and stretch them as well.
- Take a few deep breaths and come back to the starting sitting position.
Yoga Wheel-Assisted Plank Pose:
Plank Pose is very helpful in stabilizing the muscular strength of your smouch and lower body. Also, for beginners, it is easy to understand and perform.
You can follow the below steps to perform the plank position with the Yoga wheel.
- Lying down facing your yoga mat.
- Stretch your arms and grab the Yoga wheel with both hands.
- Now, get into a position using your knee support to lift your body
- Get the Yoga wheel below your body grabbing it tightly with your hands.
- Now your belly up in the air and stretch it for a while.
- Hold this position as per your capacity and keep deep breathing
- To come out of the position, slowly bend on your knees slide Yoga wheel upward, and lie down.
Yoga Wheel-Assisted Child Pose
The wheel-assisted child pose is good for your back muscle stretch. As a beginner, you will find this Yoga pose very simple to perform.
- Sit into “Vajrasana” on your knees, keep your back straight, and take deep breaths.
- Relax your hips so that you can bend easily from the waist
- Take another deep breath, and extend your arms upward into the air.
- Now bend slowly and grab the Yoga wheel as you lower your body and arms and extend at their possible position.
- Now your forehead is pressed against the floor as you stretch your body.
- Lower your chest you will feel a stretch within your shoulders.
- Hold the position as per your capacity and keep deep breathing.
- To come out of the position bring the Yoga wheel close to your knees and come back in “Vajrasana” position on your knees.
Yoga Wheel-Assisted Puppy Pose
Less than 9% of all adults experience chronic or regular back pain, and using the yoga wheel for back pain good choice of exercise.
- Sit into “Vajrasana” on your knees, keep your back straight, and take deep breaths.
- Grab the Yoga wheel into both hands and slowly go down.
- When you are doing this pose with the Yoga wheel under the hands, your hips will go further upward.
- This will create more stretch sensation through the shoulders and arms
- Remain in this position while doing deep breathing as per your capacity.
- To come out of the position, go back onto your knees and bring the Yoga wheel near to your body.
Yoga Wheel-Assisted Bending Forward
This is again an easy position and good for people who are having back pain. This is known as “Uttanasana” in Sanskrit. Standing forward fold, is a great pose to stretch the low back.
- Stand on your Yoga mat and keep the Yoga wheel near to your feet.
- Now slowly bend forward and come into your forward fold position.
- While bending your knees, shift your weight a little forward
- Now you can rest the crown of your head onto the Yoga wheel
- While in this position keep deep breathing.
- To come out of the position, just slowly stand on your feet again.

Benefits of Yoga Wheel Poses
- Body Massage
- Flexibility
- Improved Blood Circulation
Video credit BringMeYoga
FAQ: Yoga Wheel For Beginners
Can a beginner use a yoga wheel?
Yes, as a beginner you can use a yoga wheel. These are one of the very basic poses to perform.
Can a beginner do Yoga everyday?
As a Yoga wheel beginner you can start with 2 days a week and gradually increase the Yoga time and days a week.
How to use a yoga wheel for beginners?
As a beginner, you can use the Yoga wheel in multiple ways. For back poses, you can take the Yoga wheel directly behind your back, align it parallel with your spine, and do/follow multiple pose instructions.
Yoga wheel exercises are easy to perform and not complicated as they look. Just now we have seen how do you use a yoga wheel for beginners.
So, I suggest, yoga wheel beginner, grab your Yoga wheel and try yourself.
Let me know your thoughts on experimenting with Yoga in comment section below.